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Reality At Work

Priestess Statue

Regular price $5.99 USD
Regular price $9.99 USD Sale price $5.99 USD
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📜 Priestess Statue is from 3D Hexes

it comes either fully assembled or in an assembly kit (Usually for large miniatures/terrain) and its unpainted. Please contact us if you want us to assemble it and/or paint it.


📦 Shipping is free for all orders over $35.

📏Size: This 3D printed Model/Terrain comes in color gray and properly scaled for a standard 28mm/32mm Tabletop game (Please see the size comparison photo with the D20 die). Model/Terrain is ready to use on your favorite Role Playing Game. If you want a bigger or smaller scale please don't hesitate to contact us.

📦 All models are physical objects that are printed to order and shipped to you. The product will be shipped as a 3D printed model in color gray as a whole or in a kit (3D printed modular pieces) if the model has one (Mostly large miniatures/terrains). Please do let us know if you want your miniatures/terrains assembled or painted before shipment.

♺ About the material:
We use high-quality PLA plastic to give you that durability and the most clarity as well. PLA is a biodegradable plastic and its non-toxic. It is the one of the most environmentally friendly filaments on the market. Our models are printed in high quality PLA biodegradable filament and is appropriately scaled for a standard 28mm/32mm Tabletop game. Our miniatures and terrains are printed at a standard resolution of 0.08mm to give you the best clarity and best gaming experience on the table.

©️ We are an official licensed seller for 3D Hexes. Source models are designed by 3DHexes, provided as an officially licensed seller. their website:

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
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Excellent quality and a very large piece

Excellent quality and a very large piece